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New Stable Release of Diodon Clipboard Manager Brings Unity Lens Integration

A new stable version of Diodon Clipboard Manager has been released with a neat clipboard lens for Unity. 

About Diodon

Diodon is a lightweight clipboard manager for Linux written in Vala. Diodon features include Ubuntu indicator, clipboard sync (primary selection and Ctrl+C / Ctrl+V clipboard) and an option to set the clipboard size.

You can install the latest version 0.4.0 from Diodon stable PPA by running following commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:diodon-team/stable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install diodon

Please note that it will install both Diodon Unity lens and application indicator. If you want, you can manually disable each of them by following the instructions below. In future, a plugin based system will allow you to install each one of them independently.

Disbale Diodon Unity Lens

Run the following command to disable the lens:

sudo rm /usr/share/unity/places/

Now just logout and come back.

Note: When a new version of Diodon is installed, you might have to redo this step.

Disable Diodon App-indicator
  • Press Alt+F2
  • run gconf-editor
  • browse to /apps/diodon
  • disable show_indicator

Lastly, if you want, you can disable both Unity lens and Diodon app-indicaotor. Everything will be still accessible from keybaord shortcut Ctrl+Alt+V (Diodon needs to be run once)


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