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How to Install Popular MMORPG 'RuneScape' in Linux

RuneScape is a popular java based 3D MMORPG game with thousands of users playing it everyday. The game can be played from browser itself using Java plugin but there are no native Linux installers available.

If you want to play it natively on Linux without going to browser, follow this tutorial below. This guide has been written by magnavoid and everything works like a charm.

Firstly, install OpenJDK or Java packages from your distribution repositories.

Now install p7zip. You can do this easily by running the following command in Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install p7zip-full

Create runescape folders in your home directory by running:

mkdir -p ~/runescape/icon

Go to runescape folder

cd ~/runescape/

Download runescape installer for Windows:


Extract it:

7z x -oextracted runescape.msi

Now run the commands below to get the needed files:

cp ~/runescape/extracted/JagexAppletViewerJarFile.* jagexappletviewer.jar
cp ~/runescape/extracted/JagexAppletViewerPngFile ~/runescape/icon/jagexappletviewer.png

Clean up extracted files:

rm -r extracted/

Make runescape launcher script by running command below:

echo 'cd ~/runescape/ && padsp java -cp jagexappletviewer.jar -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true -Dcom.jagex.config= -Xmx256M -Xms128M -Dsun.java3d.opengl=true -Dsun.java2d.opengl=True -Xss1m -Xdebug jagexappletviewer /runescape/icon' > ~/runescape/

Make it executable:

chmod +x

Launch game:


Optional Step:

You can change minimum and maximum amount of memory that RuneScape can use by changing following variables in launcher script:

Minimum: -Xms128M
Maximum: -Xmx256M

If you haven't tried RuneScape before, check out gameplay video:


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